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Soda Springs, Idaho – Curiosity on the Oregon Trail

Soda Springs in Idaho

Located along a shortcut on the Oregon-California Trail off of the main route to Fort Hall, Idaho is Soda Springs. These natural bubbling pools of carbonated water, caused by ancient volcanic activity, were first called “Beer Springs”. Visited by local Indians, fur traders, and trappers prior to the days of the Oregon Trail emigrations, the springs were rightfully considered to be one of the marvels of the overland trails.

At the time that pioneers were headed west for California and Oregon, there was an abundance of springs and water in the area and the area became known as the “Oregon Trail Oasis.”

Emigrants frequently took advantage of the hot water to wash clothes, bathing, and medicinal purposes, often noting the picturesque scenery of the area and the smell that came from the springs. On July 24, 1838, Sarah White Smith stated: “Traveled… along the bank of the Bear River & are encamped at Soda Springs. This is indeed a curiosity. The water tastes like soda water, especially artificially prepared. The water is bubbling and foaming like boiling water. I drank of it… We find it excellent for baking bread, no preparation of water is necessary. Take it from the fountain & the bread is as light as any prepared with yeast.”

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